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water going into storm drain
Contact Info:

Office Hours: Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Eric Westfall, PE: Stormwater Management Officer | ext. 14 | (518) 491-6824, (cell)
Kelley Caiazza, Secretary | ext. 16

2 Douglas Street, Wynantskill, New York  12198

 Duties of the Stormwater Department

The duties of the Stormwater Department shall include the promotion and enforcement the Town’s Stormwater Management Program Plan (SWMP or Plan).  The Town’s SWMP is based on NYS SPDES General Permit GP 0-20-001, which requires MS4 owners and operators to develop a Stormwater Management Program Plan to address sources of potential stormwater pollution from residential and municipal activities as well as municipal facilities. There are six program elements associated with the General Permit that are designed to reduce the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable through the implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs). These program elements, titled Minimum Control Measures (MCMs), are as follows:

  • MCM l: Public Education and Outreach
  • MCM 2: Public Involvement / Participation
  • MCM 3: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
  • MCM 4: Construction Site Runoff Control
  • MCM 5: Post-Construction Stormwater Management
  • MCM 6: Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations

The MCMs are discussed in greater detail within the SWMP, a copy of which is included in the Plans and Reports section below.

Stormwater Concerns and Potential Violation Investigation

Anyone wishing to report a potential Stormwater Violation or Concern to the Town for further investigation may do so by emailing or calling the Stormwater Management Officer at the contacts listed at the top of this page.  The reporting will be treated as confidential while the Town investigates the potential violation. 

Similarly, questions or concerns regarding the Town’s Stormwater Management Program may be addressed to the Stormwater Management Officer.

Annual Reporting Review and Comment

Each year, the Town is required to make several stormwater regulatory submissions. This section will post a link to those documents to allow for public review and comment prior to submission. Any questions, comments or concerns may be sent to the Stormwater Management Officer at Additionally, these items will be briefly discussed during the Town Board and Planning Board meetings in the month prior to submission.

Town of North Greenbush Organizational Chart: 


Stormwater Minute

Each month the Stormwater Department will offer a brief tip regarding Stormwater Management Practices that may be considered by residents who are conscious of Stormwater concerns.

May 2024 Stormwater Minute

The Town routinely deals with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), the Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding lakes, rivers, streams, and other wetlands.  Navigating the rules, regulations, permitting processes, and other requirements associated with working within a jurisdictional waterbody can often be overwhelming, particularly for individual homeowners.  These organization can, and do, inspect, cite, and enforce regulatory laws throughout the Town.  If you think that you may be conducting an activity within the jurisdiction of one of these entities, please contact the Stormwater Management Officer at to discuss.

April 2024 Stormwater Minute

With the spring planting and growing season just beginning, many of us turn our thoughts to the lawn and garden.  Those thoughts often include the use of fertilizers and weed killers.  Many of these chemicals, in not properly applied, can find their way into local waterbodies or the water table.  Please remember to read and follow manufacturer’s instructions before using any of these products and to apply them to the minimum dosage for your needs.  Even better would be to consider using natural mulching and composting for your lawn and garden.

March 2024 Stormwater Minute

Although we have not had a particularly snow winter, as Spring approaches the snow begins to melt and the wind picks up.  Trash and other debris that was buried or frozen in place now finds itself on the move with the help of Mother Nature.  Residents are encouraged to take a few minutes and clean up loose debris and trash that may otherwise find its way into our local drainage systems and waterbodies.

February 2024 Stormwater Minute

A reminder that with the winter months often comes accumulating snow.  When plowing or stockpiling snow, either residentially or for a business, consider locations that allow the snow melt to slowly work its way into the water table through infiltration or other stormwater management practices.  Care should also be taken when managing snow to ensure that drainage structures are not directly impeded by plowed or stockpiled snow that would obstruct access to these stormwater management elements and prevent the drainage systems from working as designed.

January 2024 Stormwater Minute

With the onset of winter, frozen ground prevents the infiltration of stormwater and snow-melt.  As a result, rain, and in particular rain-on-snow, can produce large overland flows that reach and overwhelm stormwater collection systems.  As the winter begins, residents and businesses are reminded that good housekeeping practices and the maintenance of stormwater conveyance systems becomes even more important in protecting our homes, businesses and waterbodies.


Public Education, Outreach and Involvement Calendar

The following is a tentative list of Stormwater Department events intended to involve and educate the public with regards to various stormwater policies and activities occurring within the Town:

  • July 2023: Town of North Greenbush SWMP Plan:  A brief overview of the new SWMP Plan and the Stormwater goals the Town has established for the coming year.
  • July 2023: Residential Stormwater Best Management Practices:  What can homeowners and businesses do to improve stormwater measures on their property.

Volunteering and Involvement

Interested in getting involved with stormwater management issues in the Town?  Do you have a Best Management Practice or tip for individual stormwater management that you’d like to share?  Is there an activity you would like to see or perhaps a committee you would form regarding stormwater issues?  If so, please feel free to contact the Stormwater Management Officer at

Plans and Reports - 2023



MS4 Annual Reports:


The following links may be helpful if you would like to do additional research regarding stormwater management regulations, programs and issues: