Public Hearing on Town of North Greenbush Proposed Law to “Opt Out of Allowing Cannabis On-Site Consumption Establishments” The December 22, 2021 Public Hearing will be video streamed live beginning at 6:30 pm online at (click on “Watch Town Public Meetings”). Public comments may be submitted either before or during the Hearing via e-mail to the North Greenbush Town Clerk. The public will be able to fully observe the live video stream of the meeting and may comment at appropriate times via e-mail which will be responded to either during or after the meeting. The Notice for this Public Hearing is as follows: Public Hearing Notice
2021 News Archives
Effective December 13, 2021, and until further notice, all visitors to the Town of North Greenbush Facilities must sign in and must wear a mask to gain entry. With the recent spread of Covid on the rise the Town will employ the best safe practices for visitors and employees. We appreciate your understanding and compliance with these requirements.
As the Town of North Greenbush continues efforts to become a certified NYS Department of Environmental Conservation recognized Climate Smart Community, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Rensselaer County is providing support for the preparation of a Climate Smart Resiliency Vision Statement. Residents of the Town are encouraged to continue to provide input into this important process. A public meeting will be held on December 5, 2021 at 7:00 pm at the Town Hall (2 Douglas Street, Wynantskill) to review the draft Vision Statement and allow for continued public input and feedback. Please click on the below link to view the draft document. If you have any specific questions on the draft Town Climate Smart Vision Statement please feel free to email Bernie Wiesen at or call her at 518-272-4210.
Please join us for the North Greenbush Parade on Saturday, December 11th at 6:00 pm; Beginning in the St. Jude’s parking lot, left on Brookside, right onto Main Ave and ending at town hall. After the parade, meet Santa & enjoy the 1st North Greenbush Starry Night Memorial Christmas Tree Lighting!
North Greenbush Military Banner Application form to order a flag. Please click on the application for more information: Form for Military Banners
The 2021 North Greenbush Concert Series has concluded. Please check back next year!
Food Truck Tuesdays at Town Hall were a great success & will be back in 2022!
Local Law: East Ave Speed Limit Reduction Law
We are pleased to announce that the Town of North Greenbush Town Hall will reopen on Tuesday, June 1, 2021 to the public for in-person traffic. A sincere thank you to our residents and others who do business with the town, as well as town employees, for following the necessary COVID-19 health and safety protocols while we were closed. The re-opening plan for Town Offices has been designed to be consistent and safe for visitors and employees and requires the use of “best practices” to maximize safety while minimizing the risk of spread of COVID-19.
When will the Town Hall be Open for In-person business? Beginning on June 1, 2021 from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday thru Friday, except Holidays. Whenever possible, we request you call ahead to schedule an appointment by calling 518-283-3525 and then listen for the department extension number to dial. For those who may need to drop off water bill payments or other information you can continue to use the Town “Drop Box” that is located at the Town Library Entrance at the corner of Main Avenue and Douglas Street.
What Safety Precautions do I need to follow? Face masks and social distancing is required for anyone who is not fully vaccinated when entering Town Facilities. A sign-in sheet is provided upon entry at the sanitizing station. All visitors must sign in.
Will I be able to attend Town Board, Planning Board and Zoning Board Public Meetings? Yes, you will be able to attend all official town public meetings and will follow the same safety precautions listed above. You can also live stream any of these meetings from this link: or from the town website
Can I use the Town Playground areas behind Town Hall? Yes, following the same safety precautions listed above.
NOTE: This Re-Opening Plan may be amended as necessary.
The Snyder’s Lake Association has undertaken several steps to help curtail the potential for Milfoil contamination. While it is possible for Milfoil to spread naturally, one of the biggest contributing factors to the spread of Milfoil is recreational boating. Please inspection you boat, motor, and trailer regularly for signs of Milfoil and follow the guidelines in the DEC link below for reducing the potential for milfoil contamination, particularly when transferring your boat from another body of water into the Snyder’s Lake watershed.
Protect Your Waters from Aquatic Invasive Species – NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation
Town Website Re-Design, Software Maintenance & Updating:
The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.Supervisor Joe Bott and Town Board Members are pleased to announce that the Town of North Greenbush received significant savings from the refunding of $7.9 million in Serial Public Improvement Bonds. These bonds were originally issued in 2015 for nine separate municipal water improvement projects and one sewer district extension project at a cost of $10.5 million to be paid thru 2035. Fiscal Advisor's and Marketing, Inc, who provides financial advice and counseling to Town, calculated the savings on the bond refunding at $1.6 million thru the bond payoff date of 2035. Supervisor Bott said "Town Board leadership, continued strong performance and management of town finances over the last several years and the current low interest rate environment resulted in the town achieving this impressive bond refunding savings of over $100,000 per year for town taxpayers". Roosevelt and Cross, Inc. was the winning bidder of the bond sale at a net interest rate of 1.153%.
Along with the refunding the Town also sold a $1.44 million Public Improvement Bond for the town portion of construction costs associated with the Route 43 Water transmission line project and for a previously completed water district extension project that will retire a Bank Anticipatory Bond. Green County Commercial Bank was the winning bidder with an interest rate of 1.17% over a 15-year term.
Prior to the refunding, Standards and Poor's Rating Services reaffirmed its "AA" rating for the town citing its strong budgetary performance achieved through conservative budgeting year after year, the town's total available fund balance, which includes a $1.7 million "rainy-day" fund that was implemented in 2017, very strong liquidity of available cash and its strong economy.
The Town continues to improve and extend water and sewer infrastructure and currently has over 6,000 municipal water and 4,300 municipal sewer connections. A $3.62 million capital project is underway to install a water transmission line connecting to the water service on Geiser Road at the Town Beach to Route 43 and then to the Route 4 and Route 43 Intersection. The town received a $2.172 million grant from New York State Drinking Water Fund for this important project which will improve water pressure to existing customers and provide for new hookups to municipal water in the future. Construction is expected to begin this spring with project completion by year's end.
For more information contact Supervisor Joe Bott at 518-283-5313 x 10