Office hours: Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Eric Westfall, Consulting Town Engineer | ext. 14 Cell: 518-491-6824 Email: Ewestfall@northgreenbush.org
William Miller, Code Enforcement/Fire Marshal | ext. 32 Email: building@townofng.com
Eric Cioffi, Building Inspector | ext. 13 Email: Ecioffi@townofng.com
Kelley Caiazza, Secretary | ext. 16 Email: building@townofng.com
2 Douglas Street, Wynantskill, N.Y. 12198
BURNING: It is not allowed to ever burn leaves or garbage, but you can burn brush & twigs from May – March, but NOT in April. Must notify us and Rensselaer County non emergency at: 518-270-5252; notify when starting & stopping.
Insurance Requirements:
When applying for a Building Permit, we need the liability insurance to have the Town of North Greenbush listed as additionally insured. It can go in the box that says: DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS or an X in part A where it says additionally insured if the town is listed as the Certificate Holder. The Workers Comp insurance form needs to list the Town of North Greenbush as the certificate holder. Thank you for your cooperation!
If you are not using a contractor that has Liability & Workers Compensation insurance, please follow these NYS mandated code guidelines:
In order to obtain a building permit, please copy & paste the following link into your browser and submit the exemption form electronically (CE 200 Form). Within minutes, the completed certificate will be sent to your email. We will also require the declaration page of your homeowners policy. Please submit the certificate with your permit application or drop it off.
If you need assistance with the application for a Certificate of Attestation of Exemption, Form CE-200, please click on this GUIDE FOR COMPLETING THE WORKERS' COMPENSATION EXEMPTION (FORM CE-200):
Regulations for a Fill/Earthwork Permit:
150 cubic yards are permitted - anything more will require a variance through the Zoning Board of Appeals. Please fill out the Building Permit Application for Fill/Earthwork permits.
Formal Architectural Design Guidelines:
Adopted local law revisions and the adopted zoning map – July 14, 2016 Funded in Part by a Grant from the Hudson River Valley Greenway
Updated North Greenbush Zoning Map:
Map Updated 050916
Duties of Building Department
- Enforcing the building codes of New York State and the Code of the Town of North Greenbush, which includes the Zoning Law, the Sign Law, and Subdivision Regulations.
- Oversight and enforcement of approved subdivision and site plan stipulations.
- Issuing permits for new construction, alterations, demolition, signs, swimming pools, decks, sheds, reroofs and resides, and heat-producing non-electric appliances, such as fireplaces, furnaces, and water heaters.
- Performing permit-related inspections to insure compliance with all applicable codes and laws.
- Issuing Certificates of Occupancy after successful completion of building permits.
- Investigating issues of public safety, health and zoning and striving to address concerns and resolve disputes in a thorough and professional manner.
- Working closely with the Supervisor’s office, the Planning Board, the Environmental Specialist, the Zoning Board of Appeals, the Town Attorney, and local fire departments to achieve our goals.
MS4 Annual Reports