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Zoning Board of Appeals


Zoning Board of Appeals meets the second Wednesday of every month at 6:30pm in the Town Municipal Building.

All written public comments (mail, e-mail, faxes or hand delivered) are due to the Building Department by 4:00 pm on the business day preceding the meeting.  


If you are requesting a Special Permit to raise chickens, please see the attached document listing out the typical conditions:  

Agenda & Corresponding Information:  

Agenda:   March Meeting Cancelled Due To No Agenda Items


New Business:     None



A zoning law is a community’s guide to its future development. That is its purpose. The powers and duties of the Zoning Board of Appeals are specifically set forth in state statutes. All Zoning Boards of Appeals are directly given appellate jurisdiction by state law. Appellate jurisdiction is the power to hear and decide appeals from decisions of those officials charged with the administration and enforcement of the zoning ordinance or local law. The Zoning Board of Appeals is an administrative body, of limited jurisdiction and powers, designed to function as a “safety valve” to relieve the pressure of rigid and inflexible provisions of zoning regulations.

A person may want to appeal to the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) for two basic reasons. First, he or she may disagree with a decision the enforcement officer has made or an action he or she has taken. Second, the appealing party may believe that an exception (variance) to the zoning laws should be made for his or her property.